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Why use the RipIt! Folding Lacrosse Goal: Part I

The RipIt! Folding lacrosse goal was designed specifically to help improve shot accuracy and portability. Shooting on a smaller goal (4’x4’) improves accuracy in the same way baseball players use weighted bats. Practicing on a smaller target makes shooting on a larger target seem that much easier. The lacrosse goal is designed to fit into most cars folded down so it can be transported easily and used in a moments notice, folding much faster than anything else of its kind. As an added bonus there are no fiberglass poles pointed directly at eye level.

Lacrosse nets have remained relatively unchanged for decades. There have been a few innovations until very recently besides goals that had a folding “V”, which left the goal at relatively the same dimensions and weighing a ton. The traditional lacrosse goal is bulky due to design. The amount of stress the impact a lacrosse ball whipped from a stick exerts is enormous (as anyone that has been hit by one will tell you). The netting is incredibly thick, often made from the same material as off shore fishing nets. The steel tubing and netting has little give and is necessary to stop the impact of the ball and the use of PVC pipe like some soccer goals is simply unrealistic.

The RipIt lacrosse goal is built in an inverse fashion to these traditional lacrosse goals. It absorbs the impact of the shot by remaining flexible. The flexibility is also what allows the net to be folded so easily. The poles slightly bend when folded down to its distinctive triangle shape. If metal poles were used the triangle would not align. Read part two tomorrow.

Author: Ryan Dickerson, Rukket Founder

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